Category: Environment

La salvaguardia dell’ambiente è da sempre parte integrante nella definizione delle nostre politiche aziendali. Siamo costantemente attivi nell’implementazione di strategie che puntino a ridurre l’impatto ambientale, promuovere comportamenti sostenibili e definire un sistema aeroportuale che sia eco-friendly.

  • Milan Bergamo Airport increases its efforts in the local area for environmental mitigation

    The challenges of climate change and the transformation of territories has led us to reflect on tangible solutions to “change direction”. We make a daily effort to redimension our environmental impact through a series of mitigation and compensation measures as provided for by the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) decree and the 2030 Airport Development Plan. The measures in question concern a number of provisions…

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  • BGY’s commitment to sustainability for 2022 and the outlook for PSA2030

    Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Milan Bergamo Airport (@milanbergamoairport) As set out in detail in the Sustainability Report for the last few years, Milan Bergamo Airport has focused on the matter of its own environmental compatibility as part of the Airport Development Plan (PSA2030). This is a detailed document regarding the future possibilities for BGY, which brings…

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  • The plastics challenge for BGY and the management of waste at Milan Bergamo Airport

    Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Milan Bergamo Airport (@milanbergamoairport) For a large-scale organisation such as BGY, which plays host every day to passengers, internal workers and external suppliers, waste management is an essential aspect. For many years, SACBO has adopted an approach aimed at favouring waste recycling, also going beyond simple disposal; this project began in 2007, with the…

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  • The “sustainable” traveller: BGY launches proximity tourism

    With the arrival of the summer months, the flow of travellers choosing Italy for their holidays once again increases. Milan Bergamo Airport is a point of reference for Lombardy, connecting thousands of people with the most beautiful cities in the area. In recent years, due to the pandemic, which limited movement, a new user profile…

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  • Innovative, safe and sustainable: a new identity for the development of BGY

    Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Milan Bergamo Airport (@milanbergamoairport) The current economic scenario has led to a widespread reflection; the transformations taking place in the world and the challenges of tomorrow have seen a change in pace, in the face of which not even our airport can remain impassive. The pandemic,…

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  • The BGY Granfondo, the event that promotes cycling and sustainable tourism

    14 May saw the return of the Granfondo, an international competition dedicated to cycling tourists that took place in the Bergamo area. The event saw the participation of cycling enthusiasts of all ages and levels, in the name of a “slow ride” philosophy to be enjoyed with passion and spirit in an ideal balance of…

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  • BGYIS goes electric, new sustainable vehicles operative on the apron at Milan Bergamo Airport

    Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Milan Bergamo Airport (@milanbergamoairport) Actions aimed at reducing waste and emissions involve every aspect of Milan Bergamo Airport and together can make a fundamental contribution to creating a cleaner world.BGYIS, the Handling Agent at Milan Bergamo Airport, which every day provides a range of services within the terminal, has…

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  • A model of energy transition: BGY meets with local organisations for a sustainable future

    11 May 2023 saw a workshop held at BGY entitled “Transition towards a carbon-neutral territory”, that discussed the role of Milan Bergamo Airport in the post-pandemic scene, involving local organisations and institutions in active dialogue and debate. Those present included: ATB, Dalmine S.p.A., ENEA, A2A e Despe S.p.A., all companies in various fields in the Bergamo area.  The 2030 Airport Development Plan aims to guarantee…

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  • Staff training as the key to a better airport

    Milan Bergamo Airport has always invested in training for its staff in order to guarantee the best airport experience for its passengers.  Every year, information regarding training is published in the Sustainability Report.  In 2022, SACBO provided a total of 7,776 hours of training for its staff. Specifically, the training was divided as follows:  – Italian Legislative Decree…

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  • Approval of the new call for tender worth 4.5 million euros for interventions for environmental mitigation in the area surrounding the airport.

    On 20 February, the Board of Directors officially approved the publishing of the new call for tender for interventions of environmental mitigation dedicated to residential properties in the area surrounding the airport, in line with the previsions of the 2030 Airport Development Plan. SACBO has allocated 4.5 million euros for the call for tender. The project, which forms part of the…

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