Milan Bergamo Airport has always invested in training for its staff in order to guarantee the best airport experience for its passengers.
Every year, information regarding training is published in the Sustainability Report.
In 2022, SACBO provided a total of 7,776 hours of training for its staff.
Specifically, the training was divided as follows:
– Italian Legislative Decree 81/08 Health and safety in the workplace: 1447.5 (19%)
– safety: 2258 (29%)
– security: 181 (2%)
– obligatory training: 895.5 (12%)
– specialised training: 2994 (38%)
The courses, which involved a total of 242 people (i.e., 100% of the total average payroll) were held both by internal SACBO training staff and by external training companiesqualified in accordance with sector certification. In this regard, in June 2022, SACBO began collaborating with Airsight, a prestigious German training company operating in the aviation safety sector, to serve as a site for the provision of specialised courses.
With regards to internal training for health and safety in the workplace, SACBO has, for some years now, been providing refresher training in line with Italian Legislative Decree81/08, made up of e-learning training sessions on specific risks in daily working situations.
This method has contributed to creating a widespread and effective raising of awareness among workers of the specific risks concerning their activities.
The training provided by SACBO for its staff is accompanied by the annual gathering of data regarding training carried out by BGY International Services for its staff; between 01/01/2022 and 31/12/2022, 13,908.5 hours of training were provided by BGY I.S., involving 100% of the payroll and providing an average of 31 hours per person.
The training involved all levels and roles, and was divided among the following themes:
– Managerial and specialised training: 265.5 (2%)
– Italian Legislative Decree 81/08 Health and safety in the workplace: 2251 (16%)
– Safety: 3847.5 (28%)
– Use of airside vehicles: 1466.5 (11%)
– Security: 338 (2%)
– Other training: 5740 (41%)
With regards once again to SACBO, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 139/2014, during the course of the year the company provided training to all unescorted personnel operating in aircraft movement areas or in other operational areas of the airport.
The training took place via our e-learning platform, also extending safety training outside of the company. People from within the airport community and involved in training sessions provided by the SABCO Training Manager in 2022 amounted to 2,673, for a total of 11,121 hours of training.
As well as providing training, verification of the skills of the individuals operating in the airside area was recently assigned as a responsibility of the airport management company.This control has been carried out through proficiency checks; tools created to measure the presence and the consistency of skills that an individual has to have on the basis of their role.Over the course of 2022, SACBO assessors carried out 515 proficiency checks to the same number of employees working for the management and handling companies, and another 238 computer-based proficiency checks were also carried out, a method that will also be implemented and extended to the airport community over the course of 2023.
Collaboration and exchange have always been two fundamental elements for rendering training that is as efficient as possible; SACBO Training Management has always promotedsharing and the exchange of information and knowledge regarding safety. This is why, over the course of 2022, it organised the Training Manager Benchmark for Aviation Safety via videoconference.
The benchmark, which took place on 27 October, with a follow-up session on 24 November, saw the participation of Training Managers from the airports of Rome, Ancona, Olbia, Brindisi, Belfast, Riga, Heathrow, Pescara, Rimini, Turin, Milan, Bologna, Sweden, Athens, Malta, Brussels, Genoa, Copenhagen, Pisa, Bologna and Catania, as well as two representatives from Airsight.
These two events proved extremely constructive, seeing the exchange of best practices adopted in Europe to adapt to the new regulations due to be implemented in coming years.
SACBO Training Management circulated a questionnaire aimed at collecting data regarding the current status of adaptation to regulatory compliance in terms of language proficiency, presenting the results of the survey during the follow-up session in November.
It also moved to ask the Italian Civil Aviation Authority for an extension to the deadline for English Language Proficiency set at 07.01.2026, as well as naturally implementing Italian Language Proficiency to commence, with the support of a team of assessors, at the beginning of January.