SACBO’s social responsibility goes beyond environmental commitments. Over the years, in fact, we have set up collaborations and participated in numerous initiatives in the Bergamo area, fostering relations with other leading organisations in the creation of a virtuous network of companies and associations united by shared values and visions.
As part of this process, in 2021 we took part in the university project “Laboratori d’Imprese” set up by the University of Bergamo.
Now in its third year of participation (2018 and 2019 the previous two, the activity having been suspended in 2020 due to the pandemic), we have been given the opportunity to make our contribution to a project that offers students an opportunity to interact with the corporate world in a laboratory setting through a Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach.
“Laboratori d’Imprese” each year sees the participation of some of the leading companies and associations in the area in a series of workshops subdivided into macro-themes; each participating company provides a group of students with a project inherent to its activity, for them to study and analyse based on concrete aspects and problems related to the thematic area of the workshop.
Over the three years in which we have been involved in the project, we have participated in the “Imprese e sviluppo sostenibile” (Enterprises and Sustainable Development) workshop, aimed at studying virtuous practices, initiatives and projects in the sustainability sector, sharing our sustainable vision with organisations such as Confindustria Bergamo, Brembo, Radici and Magris, and presenting the students with projects for implementing green initiatives with the aim of allowing them to analyse their economic, environmental and social benefits.

In the last edition, we submitted the installation project for the trigeneration plant to the working group for study. The activity involved a cost/benefit analysis that took into account the economic, social and environmental aspects, in line with the concept of Sustainable Development embraced by SACBO. The students involved had the opportunity for collaboration and exchange with our Environment Unit throughout all the stages of work, experiencing first-hand the dynamics with which a complex and articulated organisation such as SACBO deals on a daily basis.
“Laboratori d’Imprese” is a project that we continue to participate in with enthusiasm, with a view to proactively listening to and opening exchanges with other business organisations and consolidating our ongoing and constant interaction with universities and with the Bergamo area.