
  • Items that find new use: the initiative organised by BGY

    Milan Bergamo Airport donates items left at security controls. With the huge number of passengers passing through our airport every day, there is an enormous variety of objects, including household and everyday items, accessories and so on.The items that passengers are unable to take with them on board the aircraft and that would otherwise be…

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  • #CANCROZERO: BGY supports the Regional Health Agency and cancer screening

    In line with its ongoing focus on the themes of well-being and health services, Milan Bergamo Airport demonstrated its support for the #CANCROZERO initiative organised by the Bergamo Regional Health Agency, which promotes screening for colon-rectal, cervical and breast cancer. What is cancer screening? Cancer screening is a test that is carried out for the…

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  • The airport of the future: the project by the students of the Don Milani high school and awarded by the Bergamo Chamber of Commerce

    BGY demonstrates its attention to the new generations and their growth, offering them important opportunities and experience for their future careers. An innovative and educational work experience programme Over recent months, a group of students from the Don Milani high school in Romano di Lombardia enjoyed a period of work experience at Milan Bergamo Airport;…

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  • BGY Airport Granfondo: a preview of the 2024 jersey

    Milan Bergamo Airport is a partner of Granfondo, the amateur cycling event that takes place in the midst of the province of Bergamo’s beautiful valleys. SACBO is carrying forward a partnership that began last year and that it is delighted to be continuing, with an initiative that promotes sport, sustainable mobility and the beauty of…

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  • BGY: an airport celebrating culture and art

    BGY: an airport celebrating culture and art Milan Bergamo Airport is not only a point of reference for travellers seeking to reach the leading destinations in Europe and beyond; it also plays an active role within the community, supporting and promoting local art and culture. Of the many initiatives that SACBO has organised in this…

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  • The airport of tomorrow: students playing an active role in imagining the future

    Milan Bergamo Airport has always demonstrated its support for younger generations, promoting experiences and opportunities for students who take their first steps in the world of employment in a large organisation such as SACBO.  “The airport of tomorrow” is a project organised by the students of the Don Milani high school in Romano di Lombardia…

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  • Serving the community and associations: events for the 150th anniversary of the Italian Alpine Club

    As part of its commitment to supporting the local community, Milan Bergamo Airport has joined celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Italian Alpine Club (CAI) of Bergamo, contributing to the organisation of a memorable event. The CAI Bergamo, one of the most numerous Alpine Clubs in Italy, celebrated its important anniversary with a special evening at the Teatro Sociale on Friday…

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  • Milan Bergamo Airport increases its efforts in the local area for environmental mitigation

    The challenges of climate change and the transformation of territories has led us to reflect on tangible solutions to “change direction”. We make a daily effort to redimension our environmental impact through a series of mitigation and compensation measures as provided for by the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) decree and the 2030 Airport Development Plan. The measures in question concern a number of provisions…

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  • Protection of data against cyber threats; BGY cybersecurity strategies

    The challenges and threats in the field of digital information security are constantly evolving and becoming ever more complex. In a world characterised by global, pervasive and increasingly sophisticated threats, data protection has become a central theme, requiring a constant process of governance and monitoring in order to keep risk at acceptable levels. In response to these demands, SACBO has adopted a cybersecurity management strategywith an integrated…

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  • BGY’s commitment to sustainability for 2022 and the outlook for PSA2030

    Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Milan Bergamo Airport (@milanbergamoairport) As set out in detail in the Sustainability Report for the last few years, Milan Bergamo Airport has focused on the matter of its own environmental compatibility as part of the Airport Development Plan (PSA2030). This is a detailed document regarding the future possibilities for BGY, which brings…

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