Guaranteeing a pleasant journey free of unexpected obstacles is a commitment that SACBO, as the airport management company, embraces in every area and service, every single day. Gaining a standing as a point of reference for the sector is not achieved simply through the number of passengers transported or the destinations reached by direct flight, but also through a further fundamental element, accessibility for all users.
The feedback that we gather on a daily basis with regards to the experience offered by Milan Bergamo Airport is positive and comforting; we are delighted to contribute to rendering passage through the terminal as comfortable as possible, even for those who face obstacles to their mobility on a daily basis. The Sala Amica in our airport was set up with this goal in mind; to assist these users throughout every moment from departure and arrival, from parking to the check-in area, via passport control and both boarding and deplaning, with the relative reclaiming and transportation of luggage.
In 2022 we assisted over 60,000 passengers, with a daily average of 165 users: a positive trend, with an increase of almost +74% in requests for support over 2021 and an increase of more than +2% in comparison to 2019. The majority of so-called PRM (passengers with reduced mobility) are people with difficulty in walking, who are assisted with the use of wheelchairs, followed by people with autism or Down’s syndrome, as well as people with impaired vision and/or hearing.
This is a service characterised not only by care and attention, but also speed; in 2022, assistance for departures saw an average duration of one hour and 30 minutes, and just 20 minutes for arrivals.
Our efforts have been rewarded by the passengers themselves, who come into direct contact with the Sala Amica and its staff, with a level of appreciation for the individual aspects of the service of up to 98%.
We are proud of our work, which is hard but extremely gratifying, and that we carry out on a daily basis; travelling, just like any other essential activity, should not be a privilege but rather a pleasant and obstacle-free experience for all, without exceptions. We have always been open to discussion and inclusivity, and we meet constantly with organisations and associations dedicated to disabled people, which express appreciation for our efforts and with whom we collaborate in order to improve our services, expanding opportunities to travel in complete tranquillity.